Monday, August 13, 2012

Motivational Mondays!

Good Morning Everyone!

Yes, and so begins another week! It is funny how quickly the weeks go by and yet each day can feel so long! Time is a funny thing. our minds love to play games with how we perceive time - one minute can feel like a week when you are holding a pose in yoga or it can feel like a second when you are playing your favorite song that you can't listen to enough. Although our sense of time changes based on what we are doing, it stays the same, a minute will always be 60 seconds, well unless your group fitness instructor is counting and then it could really be much more ;) Each and everyone of us has a different concept of how time feels depending on what we are doing, some things just seem more exciting or boring to us. This influences our thoughts and our mental strength which as a result changes our physical strength!

This week, we want you to take the opportunity to think about time and how it feels to you as you live out your daily lives. We want you to really work at breathing through each moment of your workout and stay focused on that specific moment rather than what you have just done or what you have left to do. Stay in the present moment and nothing else. Not only do we recommend this for workouts but for all aspects of your life. Think about the times you find yourself in your office wishing time would speed up - what is it about that moment that makes you feel like time is almost crawling to a stop? How can you make the time feel like it is moving faster?

Time acts as a motivator at times but can also be de-motivating and frustrating. Instead of letting time bring you down, challenge yourself this week to clear your mind of negative thoughts of failure and focus on creating positive energy and push through each moment of frustration. Come up with a mantra if you need one or focus on your breath. You are strong and can get through anything you set your mind to - the keywords in this sentence are your mind. Really focus and you can do it. Get through the tough times and make the steps you need to to get to your goals this month!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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