Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Get Fit For It Challenge

Hi Everyone!

Are you ready for the weekend??? Before you get to some relaxing, get yourself motivated to push yourself today and try this week's challenge! If you can, do the challenge in addition to your regular planned workout.

Today's Challenge:
Hills!!!! Find a hill and try to get as many repeats as you can! If you don't have a long period of time, see if you can get some hill work in throughout the day. Want to be out in the woods? Find a nice hill/mountain to hike and climb up and down a few times.... still looking for something harder? Run up the trail!

We suggest 3-6 repeats depending on the length of the hill and your intensity. Get up the hill as fast as you can (that means a brisk walk for some of us) and then recover on the downhill. Active recovery is very helpful in training. Remember to stay hydrated and rest for 60-120 seconds between each set.

Good luck and remember to smile as you climb up and come back down!!!!

Challenge Accepted!
D & K

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