Friday, July 13, 2012

Get Fit For It Friday ~ Challenge Accepted

Happy Friday!!!

We hope that you have had a wonderful week!!!! Before your weekend officially starts, try to complete the weekly challenge so are feeling strong and energized for a fun-filled 2 days off!

Today's Challenge:

It is time to work on your core!

Repeat as many times as you think you can do :)

1 minute of forearm plank
30 second bicycle crunch
30 second reverse crunch
1 minute side plank (Right)
1 minute side plank (Left)
30 second knee-ins
30 second leg lifts
1 minute bridge
1 minute superman or cobra
30 second crunch with legs reaching to ceiling
30 second Russian twist

Get to it and get it done!

Good luck :)

Challenge Accepted!
D & K

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