Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Kick it into Gear!

Hi Everyone,

We hope you are holding onto your motivation for the week and are ready for some fun workouts to finish off the week. We hope you are psyched to do today's workout and push yourself past your comfort zone to get the results you are looking for! Ready, Set, Go!

Today's Workout:

Warm up:

- 3 rounds of 3 minutes of jump rope, 10 squats, 10 push ups

Main Set:

2 Rounds of 1-minute intervals:
          - Side shuffles (30s each direction)
          - Tuck jumps
          - Walking lunges with twist
          - Squats 
          - Alternating side kicks

3 Rounds of 30-second intervals:
          - windmill
          - V-ups
          - Oblique Twists
          - Superman lifts
2 Rounds of 1-minute intervals:
          - Squat to push press (w/ Dumbbells)
          - Mountain climbers
          - Box jumps
          - One-legged squats w/ side leg lift (30s per leg)

3 Rounds of 30 second intervals:
           - Burpees
           - Reverse Crunches
           - Push ups
           - Leg raises

Cool Down:

- Jog for 5-10 minutes


- Full body stretches for at least ten minutes

~ Remember to take this workout at your own pace and modify where you need to. Change the time intervals or the number of rounds or the exercises.

Challenge Accepted,

D & K

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