Monday, September 17, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Stay healthy and try something new!

Happy Monday Everyone!

We hope you had a great weekend! The weather here was perfect - sunny, crisp with that fabulous autumn air! We want to remind everyone as the weather begins to change to stay healthy and make sure to rest and recover properly so you keep your immune system strong. If you are feeling slightly under the weather, listen to your body, let your body have a break and heal itself so the illness doesn't linger too long and you can get back to those great workouts sooner rather than later. Missing a few days at the gym won't kill you but may be exactly what you need to get better. If you are worried about missing your workouts, keep your diet under control and you will be fine.

Many of us find ourselves stuck in a rut after a while and we can't seem to get motivated enough to get out of it or to keep it challenging. Instead of letting yourself get caught into this downward spiral that brings down your spirit, attitude and drive, change it up this week and do something that is completely different. Choose something to do that is exciting, new and just as beneficial as your regular routine for your mind and body. Don't think about it as a setback but as a kickstart! Even if it is rest and relaxation that you need, do it without feeling guilty or thinking about what your old routine was. Just take in the moment for what it is and embrace it completely!
Get Fit For It!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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