Friday, October 26, 2012

Get Fit For Friday ~ Stretching is as important as your workouts!

Finally Friday has arrived!!!! 

This week it felt like Friday would never come but, at last, it is here! We hope that you have some fun Halloween activities planned for this weekend! If you are around the Ithaca NY area, the weather is supposed to be great for some fun outdoor adventures. Make sure to plan to be outside to enjoy the great weather while we still have it! But before you get into the fun weekend mode, try to get one last workout in and try to complete our challenge of the week!

We challenge you today to take 20 - 60 minutes and devote it solely to stretching. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds.This can include a yoga class but make sure the class is more of a stretching class than a strength class. Often, we neglect our stretching routine due to lack of time, boredom or pure exhaustion from our hard workout but we must realize how important it is for our muscles to stretch. Stretching our muscles allows them to recover faster and helps prevent injuries. If you want your body to keep working for you for many more years, take the time to stretch! Lengthening the muscles keep your body limber and move more efficiently and effectively.

Remember, stretching doesn't have to be boring - chat with a friend while you stretch, watch a tv show you really enjoy or listen to some great tunes (maybe even some of our tunes Tuesday picks). Have fun, take care of your mind and body and always smile!

Get Fit For Fridays!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

photos from:

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