Monday, October 29, 2012

Motivational Monday

And another week begins...

We hope everyone had a fun filled Halloweekend! We had a work filled weekend but had some good laughs nonetheless!

Today, we dedicate our Motivation Monday post to a dear friend of ours who has just lost a family member. It is never easy losing someone close to you that you care deeply for. Sometimes life throws us curve balls we are not ready for, yet we must continue forward and persevere. We never know how strong we are until we are tested by the unexpected twists and turns of life. As the hard times get harder, many of us want to throw in the towel and give up. This may seem the easier route but it is unrealistic and unproductive. We do not have the ability to control everything that happens around us but we can control how we respond to it and the steps we take after the fact. We must hold on to the joy and love we have in our hearts during our moments of sorrow or weakness and push through the pain and struggles in order to make our way back to that happy place. No one said it would be easy and no one said it would ever be the same as it once was, but it will be okay. I am lucky to have so many loving, optimistic friends that are always looking for the silver lining on a situation. I am very grateful to have such inspiration surrounding me all the time. This past weekend, it was my turn to return the positive support to one of my dearest friends. I am so glad I was able to be there for them to remind them that "this too shall pass".

We ask you to find motivation and positivity to follow in even the hardest of times. Hold strongly to loving memories and the support around you and continue on your desired path no matter how difficult it might seem to do. This week, make an effort to think about all the wonderful things in your life that you might take for granted but would truly miss if it were gone tomorrow.

Stay positive, take deep breathes and hug someone you love!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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