Monday, January 21, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Staying Strong Through Changing Times

Happy Monday!

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend and had a chance to relax and rejuvenate for the upcoming week. Today, we want to encourage everyone to remember to stay calm and carry on even when life throws a curve ball or two! Our post is about staying strong through changing times because today is the start of a 4-month period of chaos for the two of us. We know that many people in the academic field are getting back into the swing of a new semester and we understand how challenging it may be to stay on top of your fitness and health goals when tasks start building up in the office or at school. Time is limited, not just for you but for everyone. When we feel the pressure build, we often get flustered and overwhelmed. This may prevent us from being productive and working on the items we want to accomplish. Instead, try closing your eyes and take a few long deep breaths. Rather than stressing, pull one item from your list and work on it. Your new year's resolution is important to you, don't put it at the bottom of the list. Keep health and wellness at the top of your list everyday. You may not find time to incorporate a workout everyday or have the time to do the 60-minute workout you planned but maybe you can hold plank for a couple minutes, do some jumping jacks, squats or push ups. If you can't fit it in one day, don't feel guilty, refocus yourself to your diet instead. There are strategies you can have on hand to get you through the tough transitions in life when your schedule changes and your routine must be altered. Making a new routine a habit is challenging at first but it is not impossible. See the opportunity as a great way to see how you can adapt to any situation. 

This week, focus on developing a new schedule that allows you to accomplish everything you want to do in a week which balances work, social occasions, nutrition, relaxation, health and fitness. When you think you don't have enough time, think about how you can rearrange your schedule to fit in your workout.

Get Fit For Time Management,
D & K  

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