Monday, March 4, 2013

Motivation Monday ~ Determination

 Monday is a frustrating day for some and an exciting day for others. Those who live for the weekend and dread the work week find Mondays to be unbearable. Those with weekly goals see Mondays in a different light. They are ready to take on the week and take the steps needed to reach their target. No matter how you perceive Mondays, Monday is going to happen every 7 days making up 1/7th of the days of our lives. Thinking about Monday in this way, if you have past your quarter century birthday, you have experienced just over 1,300 Mondays. Do you really want to waste so many days of your life? Instead, make the most of every moment so when you look back on your life you can feel satisfied with all you have done. This isn't trying to persuade you to take the goal-oriented take on life, setting a goal for the week is just one way of bringing a smile to your face every Monday. Rethinking about how you think about the day and how you feel and act during the day makes the change a reality. Embrace Monday fully and have fun with everything that gets thrown at you! Without Mondays, we wouldn't appreciate our weekends as much so we should be thankful for Mondays too.

We want to leave you with a quote for the week from the two-time Olympian winner, Marla Runyan.

"Don't listen to negative influences. Believe in yourself, and show others what you can do. Only you can find your potential."

Get Fit For Mondays,
D & K

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