Friday, April 5, 2013

Get Fit For Friday And The First Weekend Of April

Get Fit For Friday ~ #Challenge Accepted!

This Week's Challenge: 10 Bridge Holds
Today, we challenge you to try and hold bridge pose for as long as you can without sacrificing form. We have suggested 10 sets but you may need more or less depending on your fitness level and how strong your lower back is currently. Often we focus too much on our abs and forget about the other side. Today, we are making sure you remember to strengthen your lower back!

Have fun with it and see if you can get your co-workers or friends to join you for your sets!! Pass good habits to those you love!


This weekend, Drew has another road trip on his calendar. He is headed to DC to check out his graduate program. I have some running to do in addition to hanging out with friends. We are hoping for some nice spring weather we can enjoy! We encourage everyone to take some time this weekend and go outside whether it is to work on the garden, play with your kids or challenge yourself to a bike ride, walk or run. Get some fresh air and enjoy the warmer weather!

Articles you might be interested in Reading:

Vitamin D linked to Lung Health

Trader Joe's Trying to Conceal Sugar in Products

Dieting is About Changing Your Lifestyle

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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