Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Get Moving

Happy Hump Day! What better way to celebrate than with a workout :)

Today's Workout:

Warm up: 5 minutes of Jump rope or jogging with 10 squats every minute

Set # 1: Deconstruction of the burpee!
                3 Rounds x 30s
   Push ups
   Squat jump

Set # 2: 45s Holds
             Boat Pose

Set #3: Alternating sets Tabatas (8 rounds of 20s on/10s off)
                 Left leg squat (hops)
                 Mountain climbers

**Burpees - Do Burpees for 30 seconds

   Right leg squat (hops)
   Plank Hold (shoulder taps)

**Burpees - Do burpees for 30 seconds

Set # 4: 3 Rounds x 30s
Pike w/ gliders
Leg lifts
Plank-knee ins w/ gliders Left and right
Reverse crunch (knee out, in, up, down)

            3 Rounds x 30s
            Heel Taps
            Shins Parallel crunch

Push ups: Judo (yoga), Shoulder, Wide

Remember to cool down and stretch!!!!!!

We hope you have fun while working hard! Sweat it out :)

Get Fit For Wednesday Workouts!
D & K


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