Friday, May 31, 2013

Get Fit For Friday's Challenge ~ Bulgarian Lunges

Get Fit For It ~ Bulgarian Lunges


Today, we challenge you to take the time to do a set of Bulgarian Lunges on each leg 3 times throughout the day. Depending on your fitness level, you may do 10 reps on each leg or 50 reps. Do the number of reps that challenges you to the point where you don't think you could do two more if you tried. Make sure you focus on form the whole time and stop if your form becomes sacrificed. You can use your desk chair to place your back foot up on or a park bench or low wall. Be resourceful and get it done today!

#ChallengeAccepted #TrainingOpportunity

Articles you may want to read:
5 Pre-Race Foods to Avoid
9 Cycling Tips For Hills
A Company Get Healthier Together
Plant Protein Demands Increase Peanut Flour Popularity

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Tropical Tabbouleh

This week we thought we would provide you with a recipe you can bring to picnics or outdoor BBQs. It is a spin on tabbouleh. If you don't like one of the ingredients, substitute it for something you do like :)

Tropical Tabbouleh
serves about 4
2 cups cooked and cooled wheat berries
1 cup firmly packed chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
3 scallions, sliced
3 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup diced mango
1 cup diced tomatoes
1cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 teaspoon allspice
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Directions: In a medium bowl, combine all of the ingredients except salt and pepper. Toss well, then season with salt and pepper and serve.

We hope you enjoy this recipe :)

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Intervals & Tabata Sets!

Here is a fun workout for you to try this week :) We hope you enjoy it. Remember to play around with the exercises, the reps and rounds as needed to make the workout fit your needs! Work hard and have fun!

Today's workout ~ #TrainingOpportunity
Warm up:           
             Jumping Jax
             High knees
             Bob & Weave

Interval Sets: 2 rounds of 30sec intervals 
              1a.  Plank w/ row w/ DB (dumbbell)
              1b. Mt climbers

              2a. Chest Push w/ squat w/ MB (medicine ball)
              2b. Russian Twists w/ MB

              3a. Shoulder press w/ squat and side leg lift w/ DB
              3b. Side kicks alt legs - hold out number for partner

30s burpees

Tabatas: 8 rounds of 20s on/ 10s off

               1. Squat thrusters 
               2. Bridge pulses
               3. Squat Jax - alt between partners

30 seconds of burpees

Core: 3 rounds of 30s intervals
        MB overhead reach to ceiling w/ ft to ceiling
        Alt V-ups
        3-pulse crunch

3 sets of 10 Pushups - Shoulder,leg lift, diamond

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Laura Furman's picks of the week!

This week's song selections are from our great friend, Laura. She is an amazing fitness/spin instructor with great music every class!

Laura's picks of the week:  
These are spin class/long run tested and approved :)

Messiah (Dirty South Remix) - Monsta

Lights - Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna

We hope you enjoy these songs!

Get Fit For It,
D & K
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Memorial Day!

Some weeks are harder than others and some days you just can't get out of bed. When you come across these moments in your life, give yourself a break. Rather than stressing yourself out more, surrender and accept the fact that everyone needs to rejuvenate from time to time. It can be healthy to stop once in a while as long as you do not fall into a rut. Let yourself recover from your hard work so you can work hard again. You may not be experiencing one of these times presently but we will admit we can relate at the moment. We have been nonstop for the past couple weeks ending with Drew's graduation yesterday. We are going to lead by example, sit back, take a couple deep breaths and let everything go. With today being a holiday, it seems like the perfect opportunity to do so.

Today's challenge is to not be hard on yourself but accept where you at the current moment. You can return to everything tomorrow. Seek out something that allows you to relax, rest and have fun. We are going to join you for this challenge and rest ourselves. We are going to enjoy the beautiful weather Ithaca is having and get outside.  

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ A Light Dessert for Summer

This week's recipe is a healthier, fresh dessert that we served for Drew's birthday. We really enjoyed the fresh fruit with the sweet taste of the coconut and whipped cream. Let us know how you like it!

Watermelon Cakeabout 8 servings

Ingredients:1 whole seedless watermelon
3 cups whipped cream or whipped topping
1 1/2 cup coconut flakes, toasted
2 kiwis, peeled and thinly sliced
1 cup blackberries
8 strawberries, sliced in half lengthwise

Directions: 1. Cut both ends of the watermelon to create flat surfaces and then cut off the rind to create a cylinder or a cake-like shape.
2. Spread the whipped cream over the watermelon covering the top and sides of the melon.
3. Lightly press the toasted coconut into the whipped cream around the sides of the cake.
4. Place the strawberries, kiwi and blackberries on the top of the cake in any desired pattern. One pattern would be placing the blackberries around the edge of the cake and then fan the kiwi slices in a circle just inside the blackberries. Then take the strawberries and place them inside the kiwi.
5. Serve Immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.

*We recommend making this on the day your want to serve it so the whipped cream stays together.

We hope you enjoy this light dessert as much as we did!

Get Fit For It,
D & K 

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~Core & Lower Body Training

This week's workout is a core and lower body focused training session that requires you to push yourself for short intervals with little to no recovery. Remember to modify as needed and substitute exercises as needed. Have fun with this workout and get your sweat on!

Warm up:
              Jump rope
              Squat hops

Set 1: Tabata set of each grouping (8 rounds of 20s on/10s off)
          1a. Mt Climbers
          1b. Lunge Jumps

           2a. Pike w/ gliders
           2b.Skater Jumps

           3a. Front & reverse lunge same leg (RT)
           3b. Front & reverse lunge same leg  (LT)

           4a. Bridge with one-arm reach
           4b. Plank Rows w/dumbbells or not

30 seconds of burpees

Set 2:   2 rounds of 1 minute intervals
            Squat chest push w/ MB
            Lunge and twist w/ MB (alt legs)

Set 3: 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Push (reverse crunch)
Russian twist w/ MB
Butterfly crunch

Set 4: 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Leg lifts
Shins Parallel
Knees in & out (extend legs out)

10 (8-count) push ups
10 Shoulder push ups
10 Forward push ups
  Cool Down and Stretch :)

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Arthi Aravind's picks

Today, we have a guest appearance by Arthi Aravind. We have 7 picks because it was too hard for her to choose five of them. She hopes you enjoy them as much as she does! She believes some are better for running and others for different activities like spinning.

Arthi's 7 picks of the week:

1. "White Noise" ft. AlunaGeorge - Disclosure

2. "Pinnacles" - Four Tet

3. "I Remember" ft. Kaskade - Deadmau5

4. "Van Vogue" - Azealia Banks

5. "Courtship Dating" - Crystal Castles

6. "New Model" - Jon Convex

7. "Schlang Bang" - Barker & Baumecke

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Motivation Monday ~ Thinking Positively & Take A Risk

Good Morning!

I want to take a moment to give Drew credit for the inspiration that led me to write this post. He never gives up on himself or his dreams and continually challenges me to grow, develop and never settle for less than my best. I can always count on him to push me to break down the barriers holding me back. Thank you for being the best business partner someone could ask for!

This week we encourage everyone to think positively no matter how hard it might be. We all have times in our lives where we feel it can't get worse and then it does. During these times, we must remember to keep perspective and recognize that "this too shall pass." In each moment of our lives, we have the ability to choose how we react to a situation. We can either focus on the negative or look for the positive. Rather than negating yourself, take the optimistic perspective and think about the "up side" that can come from it. Although you should always follow the boy scout motto "be prepared" and maintain a realistic point of view, you can hope for the best.

Our challenge for you this week is to take a risk and ask yourself "what if it goes according to plan and works out?" Be the person you want to be and don't let anything stop you!

Take the leap of faith!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Drew's Birthday!!!!!

Get Fit For Friday ~ Get outside and Play

This week we challenge you to do something active that you find fun! We are asking you to do something outdoors whether it be a brisk walk, a friendly game of kickball or Frisbee or a playground session. Whatever you choose, do the activity for at least 30 to 60 minutes and don't think about making it a workout, just move!

Special shout out to my business partner today because it is his birthday! Happy Birthday Drew!!!!! I hope your birthday is filled with happy and exciting moments! You are the best business partner and friend and you deserve only the best! I can't wait to celebrate with you!


Here are some articles you may enjoy reading this weekend if you have the time.

Articles to Read:

Tame those late night cravings

Unexpected ways to use Greek yogurt

Does aluminum lead to Alzheimer's?

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ A Recipe From Our Dear Friend Nicole

This week's recipe is provided by one of our wonderful friends, Nicole Dieso, who is a fabulous yoga instructor and a holistic health coach. We hope you enjoy her quinoa recipe. We are excited she chose one of our top 10 superfoods!  Check out her website if you would like to learn more about her and what she does.

Spring is a time of transformation.  Leaving the cold, short days of Winter behind and also the heavy, fried, rich, spicy foods that will make you feel sluggish. Instead, dive into local produce and eat what is in season.

Here is a delicious, healthy recipe using quinoa and produce that is currently in season:

Make a cup of quinoa (1 cup of quinoa to 2 cups of water).  Rinse the quinoa in a mesh sieve, bring the water and quinoa to a boil and then cover and simmer until the water is absorbed - approximately 10 minutes.

 8 oz. of fresh, grilled fish or 1 can of tuna fish (if fresh fish is unavailable)
1 red bell pepper diced (red bell peppers are a great source of vitamin C, which helps combat seasonal allergies)
1 bunch of scallions chopped (whites and some of the greens)
1 can of garbanzo beans/chick peas (rinsed)
fresh cilantro to taste
juice of half of a fresh lemon (slice the other half and put it into a pitcher of water)
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
crushed red pepper
1 bag of fresh arugula
¼  cup of sunflower seeds (a great source of omega-3s)

Dress the arugula with olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper, put aside.

In a bowl, mix the quinoa, fish, red bell pepper, scallions, beans, and fresh cilantro. Mix in lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper all to taste. Serve over the arugula and top with sunflower seeds (toasted if you prefer).

Makes 2-3 servings; this meal can be made warm or cold, served as a salad or put into a wrap, and can last in the refrigerator for a few days.

Eat the right foods - In the summer we tend to eat less overall and crave cooling foods. Winter foods (heavy, fried, rich, and spicy) will make you feel sluggish during summer months, so try to avoid them. Instead, try raw fruits and fresh vegetables (pineapples and watermelons are great choices) local produce and fresh fish; these types of foods will give you the energy you need to keep up with the extra summer activities and long days of sunshine. 

Eat what is in season and you will thrive.

Nicole Dieso, Holistic Health Coach & Yoga Instructor

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Circuit Training You Can Do Outside!

Happy Hump Day!

We are excited it is Wednesday and the work week is halfway over! We know we asked you to work on patience this week and we hope you are all hanging in there and taking deep breaths. We know how hard it can be to be patient especially if life isn't going according to plan. Maybe a workout will help you find that patience and reduce your frustration a bit. Remember that each exercise can be modified to fit your fitness level and substitutions are always encouraged if you cannot do a certain move. Today, we have a circuit repeat series you can take outdoors so you can get a great workout in while enjoying the beautiful, warm weather! Also, we want you to check out our list of 7 exercises for a total body scuplt!
Today's workout:

Warm up: jump rope or do jumping jacks for 5 minutes

Main Set: Repeat as many times as needed (we recommend 3-4x)
         10 Squat Jumps
                         10/side Mountain Climbers
            10 per leg Lunges
 60s Plank
10 V-ups
                 10/side Skater Jumps
    10 Push ups
                    10/side Bicycle Crunch

Cool Down: Stretch for 5 - 10 minutes

Enjoy this simple but tough workout!

Get Fit For Wednesday,
D & K

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kayley's Picks of the week

We have a guest appearance for this week's Tunes Tuesday. Today, we have 5 favorites from a great friend and fabulous soccer player, Kayley Sullivan.
We hope you enjoy them :)

Kayley's 5 Song Picks:

Prrrrum, Cosculluela

Cobrastyle, Teddybears

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Monday, May 13, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Patience

Happy Monday!

This past weekend I traveled to Rhode Island to visit my family and wish my mom a happy mother's day. My mom had hip surgery on Friday and as I was talking to her about the surgery and recovery process, I was inspired to write about patience. I thought about the discussions we had had before the surgery weighing the pros and cons about when it would be the "right time" to have it. There were many reasons why to have it done immediately but she didn't want to give up doing the activities she normally does for a couple of months. I had asked her whether she wanted to postpone the surgery and do the modified version of activities she loves due to the current condition of her hip or have the surgery and in 2 months be able to do what she wants pain free. Finally, she recognized it made the more sense to get it over with and do the needed rehab in order to be back to her "normal" self as soon as possible, even if it means taking two months off.


I share this story with all of you because there are many times in life we hesitate or put off doing something because we want instant gratification. Rather than having to wait or put in some effort for a period of time, we give up completely. My mom was in a situation where she knew the surgery would help her in the long run but didn't want to take the time off and deal with the rehab before she could get back to her regular routine. Yet, not going through the surgery would have meant struggling with her daily activities. The fact that she could continue to do something was what she was holding onto even though surgery was inevitable. Instead of finding excuses for doing something that may be time consuming or challenging, think about the long-term effects and what's the best thing in the grand scheme of things. By no means is patience easy and the learning process can be long and brutal. Rather than moving in fast forward like we so often do in our lives, try to take it back this week. Focus on the greatness of the present moment and the small accomplishments you are achieving every second of each day. As each day passes, you are closer to your ultimate goal you are eager to achieve. Success can only be found through hard work and patience, so take this week's challenge and work on being patient in every aspect of your life, from your workouts to your conversations with friends to waiting in line at the grocery store. To ease your nerves and reduce possible frustration, focus on your breathing and take long, deep inhales and exhales.  

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Friday, May 10, 2013

Get Fit For Friday! ~ Hanging!

Get Fit For Friday! ~ Hangin'

 For our challenge of the week, we would like for everyone to work on their upper body strength. I am sure you all can remember the chin up hold test you had to do in high school PE class. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Can I still do this?" Today, is your chance to find out! We ask everyone to take the time to do at least 3 sets of pull ups or pull up hangs. Go for your max each time and give yourself at least 2 minutes or more of rest between sets. If you need more of a challenge, add more sets!

Pull ups/Hang  ~ 3 sets (max out each set)

This weekend is Mother's Day and we hope that everyone who can celebrate with their families and do something active together. I am traveling to Rhode Island to see my family and celebrating with a Half Marathon run on Sunday! Enjoy the time you have with everyone and try to get outside for some fresh air.

We would like to thank both of our mothers for all they have done for us and the support they have provided us and the business! Thank you :)

Articles you want to read:

Fitness & Food Together
7 ways to to clean up your health
Get Fit For Fridays,
D & K
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Veggie Quiche

This week's recipe is a quiche recipe we thought you may want to try for your family's Mother's Day brunch this weekend. It is simple to make and filled with vegetables. We are always grateful for one-dish wonders that we can prepare ahead of time and set in the oven to bake. We would love to know what you think of the recipe. Please comment on our facebook page to let us know if you tried it and how you liked it. We also recommend trying different filling combinations with different veggies and herbs. Adding tomatoes to this recipe would give you three of our 10 top Superfoods in one dish! For the meat lovers out there, you can put some meat in the mixture too!

Spinach Swiss Quiche Recipe

Veggie Medley Quiche
Adapted from Taste Of Home

1 refrigerated pie pastry
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped sweet red pepper

1/4 cup broccoli, finely chopped
1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
6 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley flakes

1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon salt & pepper

Directions:1. Unroll pastry to a 9-in. pie plate. Trim and flute edges of the pastry. Line pastry with aluminum foil. Bake at 450° for 6-8 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 5 minutes longer. 2. 2. Cool on a wire rack. Reduce heat to 350°.
3. In a small skillet, cook the broccoli, onion and red pepper until vegetables are tender; drain. Stir in spinach.

4. Spread vegetables into pie dish.
5. In a small bowl, combine the eggs, milk, cottage cheese and seasonings.

6. Pour egg mixture over the vegetables in the pie dish.
7. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

8. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting.
Get Fit For It,
D & K

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