Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ 4 Rounds of 4 Exercises ~ Are you Fit For It?

Commit and do it!

Today's workout is simple but challenging! We are providing you with a short circuit you perform 4 times (you can do less or more rounds depending on your fitness level). Remember to modify when needed and always listen to your body. Commit to doing this workout and get it done! Get going and Stay fit for yourself :)

The Workout:

Warm up: 3-5 minutes of jump rope or jogging or jumping jax

Main Set: 4 Rounds of the following
             40 reps walking lunges (20 per side)
             30 reps squats
             20 bicycle crunches
             10 push ups
Cool Down: Stretch for 5 - 10 minutes

Get Fit For Wednesday,

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