Monday, June 24, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Progress

Today we ask you to welcome progress. Take the time to read this post, think about it and write down thoughts or ideas that pop into your mind due to reading it. Try to remember this as you continue on your day, week and years.

Most motivational platitudes can be applied to growth and development in fitness and in life. After all, isn't fitness just a great metaphor for perseverance and achievement? Today I was thinking about the hard-to-conquer "all or nothing" mentality (aka the "if my diet isn't perfect all the time I might as well eat cookies and candy all day" mentality) and how it can be a double-edged sword: frequently motivating or all too debilitating. 

Trying to conquer this mentality got me thinking about a great piece of advice that I try to follow in my life: Make immediate, deliberate steps to achieve your goals- big or small. Sounds simple, right? Not in the slightest.

This little rule can be applied to anything you do- whether it's skipping that candy bar in the checkout line or making moves at work to advocate for career development. Little steps are hard to make, though, especially when surrounded by big roadblocks. However, as long as you're inching towards your goal, achievement is inevitable.

Slow progress is still progress and, at the end of the day, progress is something to be very, very thankful for.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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