Sunday, August 11, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Memories


There comes a time in everyone’s life when he/she has to move on from something, let go or say goodbye. From moving to a new place, coping with a death of a loved one, recovering from a breakup or packing a child up for college, each conjures up memories of the funniest, happiest and most touching moments with that place, person or thing. As we let ourselves ponder further, we find ourselves in emotional turmoil with feelings of sorrow, excitement, nervousness and frustration. We feel lost not knowing what the future holds or how life will be without this person or place. Human beings are capable of adapting well but are being creatures of habit, once a routine is developed, change can be that much more of a struggle. Saying goodbye or letting go are extremely challenging to cope with but those wonderful memories we have can assist in our transition to our new lives. Realizing that the memories will always be there for us to look back can soothe our minds and hearts as we struggle with accepting that things are changing. The only thing that is constant in life is change itself. We often forget this because our daily routines are so similar, we are fooled into believing things are forever the same. Times of transition are sad, it doesn't mean you need to fall into a depression, it also doesn't mean you can’t express your emotions and take the time to let the tears out. It is healthy to set a time to allow yourself to spend some time confronting your emotions and even cry.
This week, we are challenging you to think of something, someone or a place you currently or recently had to say goodbye to, let go, or leave. If there is something that remains unsettling to you, set aside some time to jot down the great memories you never would want to forget. Also schedule 30 minutes for “you” time where you can face your emotions head on and free yourself of them. Allowing yourself to express your deep inner thoughts can help you let go and accept the new chapter of your life.

Some people keep a memory journal just like a scrapbook where they log moments in their lives they never want to lose or wish to look back on at a future time. If this idea is something you think you would like to try, go out and buy a journal this week and start keeping a collection of memories you will cherish no matter where you are, who you are with or what you are doing.


Get Fit For It,

D & K

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