Monday, September 30, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Hard Work

Take a moment and ask yourself why you think you haven’t completed the steps needed to accomplish one of your goals in the past. Whether we know it or not, most of the time the answer is going to be related to hard work. Think about your reaction when you think of something challenging you have to do. Most of you might hear a voice inside your head providing you with an array of excuses for why you can avoid or skip doing a task you know will be hard work or boring. Maybe you do not want to put in the effort to push yourself for a sprint workout or you don’t feel like doing the reps you need to do in the weight room, whatever it is, it will only get that much harder the more you postpone it. 
When you don’t put in the effort and do the work you need to do to achieve your goal(s), you are only causing harm to yourself, mentally and physically. Everyone needs to work hard in all areas of their lives in order to continue to improve and succeed. Nothing in life comes easy. The most successful people in the world explain how it was their hard work they put in each and every day, good days and bad, that got them to where they are now. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes - to get the results you want, you have to stop creating excuses and push yourself to work hard. 
In hopes of helping you focus and follow through with everything you have to do this week, we challenge you to concentrate on putting 100% of your effort into every moment of every day this week. No matter what happens this week, we want you to think, “No excuses, just hard work,” and get it done. The more you practice this, the more you will accomplish and the closer you will be to your goal. 

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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