Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ 3 Sets of Fun!

For this week’s workout, we want you to think back to our Motivational Monday post and focus on working hard! During each moment of the workout, concentrate on your breathing, your form and pushing yourself to discover what your full potential!

The Workout

Warm up:
3 step shuffle squat
Pendulum legs
High Knees
XC ski

Set # 1:  Perform 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Inch worm to 4 Mt climbers
Side kicks (alt legs)
Bicycle crunch
Back lunge (alt)

Set #2: Perform 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Plank -lift-spider
Front kick back kick
Front kick back kick (other side)
Surfer get up jumps

Set # 3: Perform 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Lateral burpee (side jump)
Side plank with air crunch
Side plank air crunch(other side)
Skate Jumps

Cool down and Stretch

We hope you enjoyed this workout! If you enjoyed it - share it with your friends on facebook!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photos from:

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