Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Concentrated Core

Today we want you to challenge your core. Remember to keep smiling as you focus on tightening your core muscles during this fantastic workout. As you perform each exercise, think about pressing your belly button down towards your spine the whole time. Alright, now get to it!


Warm up:
Standing side bends
Standing torso rotations
Bob and weave
Standing elbow to opposite knee

Set#1: 3 rounds x 30sec intervals
Russian Twist
Leg raises
Shin parallel
Scissor (In & outs)

Plank series: 2 rounds x 45s intervals  
Forearm Plank
Side (RT)
Reverse Plank
Side (LT)

Set #2: 3 rounds x 30sec intervals
Bicycle Crunch
Double Crunch
Heel Taps

Challenge: one minute of V-ups

Stretch for 5-10 minutes

Modify as needed and do the right number of rounds for your fitness level.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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