Friday, March 29, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Challenge Accepted!

It's Friday!!!!! #TrainingOpportunity

Today, we are challenging you to take the time to reflect on how you are feeling. Instead of a physically exhausting challenge, we want you to take 10 minutes and meditate or sit quietly focusing on your breath. Let all your worries and stress go for these few minutes and clear your mind and body of the build up toxins. After the 10 minutes, look back at Monday's blog post and think about again in a different light. If you have the time, challenge yourself to take a yoga or tai chi class and allow yourself to focus on your breath for a longer period of time. 

Over the weekend if you have time to read, here are some articles you might enjoy.

5 ways to use your foam roller to workout.

Looking for an ab routine?

How cleaning can keep you active.

Get Fit For Challenges,
D & K

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Take In Thursday ~ Stir Fry Sauce

Happy Thursday!

Today we want to share with you a basic stir fry sauce you can use with a number of different combinations. If you find you have left over veggies or meat, try using this sauce and make an easy and tasty stir fry!

Basic Stir Fry Sauce
Sesame oil                                     1 Tablespoon                  Hot Sauce                            ½ teaspoon
Garlic, minced                             1 teaspoon                         Salt                                         ½ teaspoon
Ginger, minced                                 1 ½ teaspoon                Black pepper                      ½ teaspoon
Vegetable broth, low sodium      1 cup                                  Lemon juice                       1 Tablespoon
Soy sauce, low-sodium                 2 Tablespoon                    Cornstarch                          1 Tablespoon
Brown sugar                                       2 Tablespoon               Dry Sherry                           2 Tablespoon

1.       Heat sesame oil in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add ginger and garlic and stir for 30 seconds.
2.       Add vegetable broth, soy sauce, brown sugar, hot sauce, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Let come to a boil while stirring.
3.       In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and sherry and stir until cornstarch is fully dissolved.
4.       Whisk cornstarch slurry into the sauce and heat the sauce until it thickens and comes to a boil.
5.       Simmer for a 30 seconds and remove from the heat.

Let us know how you like it!

D & K

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Just Do It!

Today is your chance to try our fun workout of the week! We know everyone gets tired of the same old routine, so we ask you all to try this workout this week and see how you feel! Clear your mind of any assumptions or fears you might have and take in each moment as it comes. As always, be careful and modify as need and don't forget to have fun!

Workout Wednesday!

Warm up:         Jump rope
        Bob & weave
        Plank w/ shoulder taps
        Skater jumps

Set 1: Do 2 rounds of each grouping doing 30s intervals
           1a. 30s Mt Climbers
           1b. 30s Squat Jax

           2a/b. Ass Burners (Lt then Rt)

           3.a/b.  Front & side kicks opp. leg  (& switch)

Set 2: 2 rounds of 30s each
           1. reverse lunge
           2. Plank (toe taps to the side)

           1.Plank-knee ins
           2. Crab walk dips

Set 3: 3 rounds of 10 reps
          10 Leg lifts
          10 Legs in, out & up (reverse crunch)

 1 minute Bridge -shoulder reaches

 10 Shoulder push ups
 10 tricep push ups
 10 Incline push ups

Get Fit For Wednesday Workouts!
D & K

photos from:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ We are back :)

After a week of rest and restoration, it is strange coming back to reality and getting back into the swing of life. It is rare that we take a week off from everything and allow our minds and bodies to decompress. In fitness, we mention the importance of rest days for our muscles to repair the damage we have created from our workouts. The body can only grow stronger if it has the time to heal and rebuild itself. Many of us don't even take the appropriate rest time for our bodies to recover before we ask them to work hard again. Taking time for our mind and spirit is as important - Can you think of the last time you took a day for your mental health and did nothing? Try to recall the last time you spent the day rejuvenating the mind and body where you didn't set an alarm in the morning, you didn't have a to-do list, and you didn't have anything planned? We get sucked into this crazy world we have created where we feel so much pressure we can't take 10 minutes to sit down and breathe during our day. Why have we let ourselves fall into this chaotic lifestyle? How do we get out? Our mind and spirit need rest days just like our body does.

We ask you to take some time each day this week to rest your mind and body. Try not to worry about getting everything done. Allow yourself some time for you. Giving yourself the time to recover from being on overdrive for so long will help you become more efficient during the rest of your day. Maybe you even take a day off work and let yourself relax for the whole day. Stress builds and builds and we must find a way to rest and release the stress so it doesn't stay with us forever. This may be one of the most challenging things we have asked you to do, but it is worth the investment! This is particularly important for those struggling with racing thoughts and challenging decisions to make. With some rest, your mind can clear itself of all the clutter that has built up and you may find the answer you have been looking for right in front of you!

Good luck!

Get Fit For Mondays,
D & K

Friday, March 15, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Challenge of the week

Get Fit For Friday!

Today we challenge you to walk as much as you can. If you can in a parking lot, make it the furthest spot from the building. If you have to go to another floor, take the stairs. The government recommends 10,000 steps a day. How many do you take per day? Strive for as many as you can today. Throughout the work day,  make a point to stand up and walk around for a few minutes. Our bodies are designed to move not sit. Give your body what it needs and start moving!


Have a great weekend and stay active and positive! Drew and I will be gone for a week so we will not be posting next week. We apologize for our absence! Don't let yourself fall off this week - instead use your internal motivator to push you past your plateaus! And you can always look back and read older posts from weeks or months ago to keep you moving toward your goals!

This weekend's articles:

Too much salt may lead to autoimmune diseases

How to make healthy eating fit into your daily schedule

Preserving muscles as you age

Get Fit For It,
D & K

photos from:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Recipe of the Week

Here is our recipe of the week!

Shrimp and Zucchini Quinoa

½ cup quinoa
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 Tbs olive oil
1 ½ cup zucchini, chopped
3 oz frozen cooked shrimp, thawed
¼ cup basil, chopped
1 Tbs lemon juice

1.       Make quinoa according to package
2.       Saute garlic in oil for 2 minutes in a medium skillet over medium-high heat
3.       Add zucchini and cook for another 5 minutes or until zucchini is tender
4.       Toss shrimp into the skillet with zucchini for about 2 minutes
5.       Fluff cooked quinoa and toss with shrimp and zucchini.
6.       Stir in fresh basil and lemon juice.
7.       Serve

We hope you enjoy this great dish. Let us know what you think of it.  

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photos from:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Let's do it!

Workout Wednesday ~ Let's Dot It!

Warm up:
5 minutes of jump rope or jogging

Set #1: 2 x 45s/45s
Mt Climber
Squat with MB Chest Push

1 minute superman
30 seconds burpees

Set # 2: 2 x 45s/45s
Squat w/ Alt side Kick
Russian Twist w/ MB or DB

1 min plank shoulder taps

Set #3: 2 x 45s/45s
Push up
Skater jumps

2 minute bridge- (leg raised and switch)

Set #4: 2 x 45s/45s
Lunge jumps

Plank Series 3 x 30s

Cool Down and Full-body Stretch

Get Fit For Wednesday,
D & K

photos from:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Reality Check!

Happy Monday!

Today is the start of a new week. Mondays are very busy but we want you to take a few minutes to reflect on your life and where you are at this moment in time. At certain points in our lives, we find ourselves stuck in a particular pattern and unable to see life in a different perspective than the one we are trapped in currently. When we look inward at our own life and how we are pursue our "goals", it is hard for us to think critically about the choices we make. We tend to find excuses justifying our decisions that keep us blinded by our current outlook. We may not be aware of this because we have acclimated to our lifestyle for so long that it has become what we perceive as "normal" or the way it should be. Often times it takes an external factor, whether it be a friend, family member or event, to create the wake up call we need to alert us to the situation. We will find that it will be the people who care about us the most that bring it to our attention. Their concern for our health and well-being will be strong enough to push them into confronting us with the questions we don't want to hear. Our initial reaction may trigger our fight or flight response sending signals to shut down, avoid the situation or physically walk away from it. We must recognize this is not the best way to address the matter at hand. First, we must understand the conversation is coming from a place of love. Once we accept that it is not an attack in any way, we must challenge ourselves to dig deep within our own thoughts and find the root cause for why we feel uncomfortable thinking or talking about the subject. There is a reason our sympathetic nervous system immediately prepared to defend ourselves. Rather than continuing to resist, we have to let our guard down and keep an open mind for further discussion. Through dialogue, we may be able to determine how we actually feel and where we stand, shedding light onto our current position in life.

This is a lot to take in, especially for a Monday. We hope you think about this and throughout the week, continue to reflect on your life and the lives around you. Try to write down some of your thoughts about where you are in your life and where you want to be. What might be getting in your way of making your dreams come true? What are some of the issues in your life you might classify as normal but may need to be addressed? Constructively critiquing ourselves will be one of the hardest tasks we will struggle with for the rest of our lives but it is essential for our growth and development!

Get Fit For Criticism,
D & K

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Get Fit For It ~ Star jumps for excitement!

Get Fit For Fridays

Today we challenge you to do 10 sets of squats or star jumps throughout the day. Depending on your fitness level you may need to modify but try for 10 to 20 repetitions in each set. Coffee may be the normal "pick me up" at work but today try jumping instead. Maybe you can even convince and co-worker or two to join you in the fun!

This weekend we are very busy in preparation for our vacation coming up in a couple weeks. After learning so much last weekend at our conference and doing the updates for the business this past week, we are looking forward to a break. We have a lot going on and are hoping to get some new offerings up soon for everyone!

Articles you might want to read:

Warm up with yoga before a run

Should you run when you have a cold?

Sleep healthy, be healthy.

Get Fit For Fridays,
D & K

Photos from:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Warm Purple Cabbage Salad

This week, we are providing you with another cabbage recipe. This recipe can be served warm as a side dish to your meal or eaten cold the next day! We love the purple color and the sweet and tangy flavor combination! We hope you enjoy :)

Pennsylvania Red Cabbage
1 Tbsp. vegetable oil
3 cups red cabbage, shredded
1 apple, seeded and cubed
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. water
¼ tsp. caraway seed
1 T. vinegar

1. In a 3-quart microwave safe baking dish, combine all ingredients except vinegar.
2. Cover and cook on high heat 6 minutes.
3. Stir and microwave 6 minutes longer.  Test cabbage for desired texture; stir in
vinegar.  If necessary, microwave longer.  Let stand 2-3 minutes.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

photos from:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Core, Core and More!

The middle of the week is the perfect time to kick it up a gear! Sometimes the week feels like it is dragging, but Wednesday is the best day to challenge your mind and body. Don't let the mid-week mental burn out keep you from reaching your week's goal. Who doesn't want to feel energized, strong and confident in themselves after a great workout? Now, take this workout and get to it! Have fun with it and modify as needed to make it the workout you need!

Wednesday Workout:

Warm Up: 
5 minutes Jump Rope
Repeat 3x: (45s interval)
Mountain climbers
Lunge Jumps
 Plank- knee-ins
Heel Tap crunches Side to side
Repeat 3x: (30s intervals)
Reverse crunch
Medicine ball crunch
Shin parallel crunch
Oblique twist

Repeat 3x: (30s intervals)
Bridge - Lt Leg lifts
Bridge - Rt leg lifts
Bicycle crunch

Push ups - 3 sets of 10

Get Fit For Wednesdays,
D & K

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Drew's Picks

Here are some new jams to add to your workout playlist!

1. Troublemaker - Olly Murs

2. Heart Attack - Demi Lovato

3. Something Beautiful - The Newsboys

4. The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script

5. Wild At Heart - Gloriana

Photos from:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Motivation Monday ~ Determination

 Monday is a frustrating day for some and an exciting day for others. Those who live for the weekend and dread the work week find Mondays to be unbearable. Those with weekly goals see Mondays in a different light. They are ready to take on the week and take the steps needed to reach their target. No matter how you perceive Mondays, Monday is going to happen every 7 days making up 1/7th of the days of our lives. Thinking about Monday in this way, if you have past your quarter century birthday, you have experienced just over 1,300 Mondays. Do you really want to waste so many days of your life? Instead, make the most of every moment so when you look back on your life you can feel satisfied with all you have done. This isn't trying to persuade you to take the goal-oriented take on life, setting a goal for the week is just one way of bringing a smile to your face every Monday. Rethinking about how you think about the day and how you feel and act during the day makes the change a reality. Embrace Monday fully and have fun with everything that gets thrown at you! Without Mondays, we wouldn't appreciate our weekends as much so we should be thankful for Mondays too.

We want to leave you with a quote for the week from the two-time Olympian winner, Marla Runyan.

"Don't listen to negative influences. Believe in yourself, and show others what you can do. Only you can find your potential."

Get Fit For Mondays,
D & K

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