Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Get Fit For It!

Hi guys!

Time to challenge yourself with another Workout Wednesday! Right when you get home from work and before you have time to think about doing anything else is a great time to squeeze in this 30-minute workout! Finish your day strong!

As always, it’s a good idea to go through the workout first and make sure you know what each exercise is and how to do it with correct form (and if you’re going to need a modification or a replacement because of injury, soreness, etc.)! You can use Google or contact us for tips!

All sets in the circuit are 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest

Circuit 1: Three rounds totaling 9 minutes
1. Jump rope (with or without rope)
2. Curtsy squat with rear leg lift
3. High knees
45 seconds rest to get water

Circuit 2: Three rounds totaling 9 minutes
1. Push-up to side plank
2. Mountain climbers
3. Donkey kicks

45 seconds rest to get water

Circuit 3: Three rounds totaling 9 minutes
1. Tricep dips (on table, couch etc.)
2. Arm circles
3. Chaturanga pushup, upward dog, plank (3-5 seconds for each part)

15 seconds child’s pose

Circuit 4: Stretching! Hold each stretch for 25-30 seconds. Choose your favorite of each of these muscle stretches:
1. Quad stretch
2. Hamstring stretch
3. Calf stretch
4. Butt stretch

Use online sources or ask us for our favorites if you’re stuck!

Challenge Accepted!
D & K

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