Friday, June 22, 2012

Get Fit For It's Friday Challenge!

It is Friday!!!!!!!! Are you fit for it?
It is time to challenge yourself mentally and physically to see your potential and discover you can break limits!

Today's Challenge:
 Pick an exercise you find difficult and do as many reps as you can during commercial breaks if you are watching TV or in 2 minute intervals. Make sure you meet the same number of reps each set and do at least 6 interval sets or for all the commercial breaks in an hour-long show. Instead of always choosing your favorite exercises, make a point to pick the exercise that most challenges you mentally and physically.

Looking for more???? Do "Death by (insert exercise here)" and start with 3 reps in one minute and increase by 3 each minute until you cannot add 3 and complete them within the minute. Hold that number of reps and do 3 minutes more.

Good luck and have fun with it! Remember to breathe into the exercise and stay focused. See yourself reaching your end goal and keep your mind from giving up!

Challenge Accepted!
D & K

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