Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Did somebody say cicuit training?

Hi Everyone!

One of the best ways to stay motivated mentally and physically is circuit training. If you are continuously changing up the exercises, your body and mind don't have time to get bored. Not only does circuit training keep you engaged in the workout, but it provides you with a high intensity, explosive, full-body workout great for strength, power and endurance building.
Today's workout:

Warm up: 30 seconds of each exercise
  • Jump rope
  • Torso twist
  • Jump Rope
  • Bob and weave
  • Jump Rope
  • High knees
  • Jump rope
  • Squats
Circuit: 30-90 second intervals depending on your fitness level. Try to do 2 or 3 sets. Start off with 30 seconds if you are not sure what you can do and do another set if you still have more in you. Increase the time during the second set if you think it was too easy. Try not to take more than 1 or 2 water breaks as you go through the circuit but please, listen to your body and take more if you need to.

  • Squat jumps (or squats)
  • Push ups (modified or plank)
  • Plank with Knee ins
  • Lunge Jumps (or lunges)
  • Skate Jumps
  • Shoulder push press with dumbbells
  • Windmill (or side plank holds)
  • Superman pulses
  • Burpees
  • Sumo Squat with Dumbbells
  • Dead lift & Bent over Row with Dumbbells
  • Reverse lunges & lateral raise with dumbbells
  • Push up & one-arm row
  • Russian Twist with dumbbell
  • Leg lifts
  • Hop to feet from lying on stomach
  • Standing chest push with dumbbells
  • Side lunges & bicep curl with dumbbells
Cool down and Stretch: Make sure to stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, shoulders, chest, back and obliques.

Have fun with it and see if you can get some others to join you! Maybe you can even do the workout outside!!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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