Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Workout Wednesday! Circuits and repeat!

Hi Everyone,

We hope you enjoyed the tunes from yesterday. Today we have a circuit workout for you that involves endurance and power! Get Fit For A Full Body Workout! We are suggesting you do the first circuit 2 times and then move to the 2nd circuit and complete that 2 times as well. Each exercise should be done for 30-60 seconds depending on your fitness level. Remember to take water breaks between the sets and circuits.

Today's workout:

Circuit # 1: 1-minute intervals - repeat 2x
1. Pull ups and hanging leg raises
2. Dips
3. Wall sit with wide bicep curls
4. Step ups with shoulder press
5. Push up w/ kick out to side
6. Lunge w/ Hammer curl
7. Handstand hold
8. MB tricep overhead throw

Circuit # 2: 1-minute intervals - repeat 2x
1. Shoulder push press w/ split stance jump
2. RT Arm wood chop
3. LT Arm wood chop
4. Sumo squat w/ chest push outs 
5. RT Arm clean and press
6. LT Arm clean and press
7. Squat and row
8. Deadlift
9. push up w/ windmill
10. turkish get up (30s/side)

Take a water break after each round and remember to choose the appropriate medicine ball, dumbbell or kettlebell weight for a 60-second interval. A lighter weight with perfect form is better than struggling to do the exercise with the weight you chose. If it is too easy for you make the intervals longer or repeat the circuits more times. If you need to modify certain exercises, please make sure you do so to minimize the potential for injury.

Most importantly, have fun with it! Play some great music - maybe some of the songs from our tunes Tuesday suggestions. If you like to workout with others, find one or more buddies to suffer with you :)

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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