Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Workout Wednesday

Today is the halfway mark for the week :)

We hope you are taking on challenges this week and knocking the obstacles down one at a time to get closer to your ultimate goals! The photo above is an image of the tallest rockclimbing building! Is that inspiring or just frightening? hahaha It seems a bit scary to think about being at the top of that with just a rope keeping you from falling to your death but it is also what makes it exciting!!!! This is part of the reason why we push ourselves to do some of the crazy things we do - for the thrill of it! Keep this image in mind as you workout this week and never give up on yourself! Positive thinking only, no matter how hard it is! Challenge Accepted!

Today's Workout: *You will need a mat, MB(medicine ball), and light dumbbells

Warm up: 2 rounds of 30 seconds
Jumping Jax
Squats with knee-elbow twist
Lunges with Twist
Side shuffle

Set #1: 2 rounds of 30s intervals
                2-foot hops horizontal -à 2-foot vertical
                Left foot Horizontalà Left foot vertical
                RT Foot Horizontal à Rt foot vertical
                Quick feet in-in-out-out àbackwards quick feet back
                Lunge jumpà Skater jumps
                Squat Jumps à Jack-push-climb

Set#2:  2 rounds per set of 1-min intervals/ex  
1a. Crab walk w/ dips
1b. Rotational Lumberjack w/ MB (10/side &switch)
2a. Spider walk/ Backwards bear crawl
2b. 1-leg deadlift w/ row (w/dumbbells)
3a. Shoulder push press w/ squat 1-arm 1-leg (10/side-raise same leg as arm)
3b. front & revers lunge same leg (10/s & switch)

Set# 3: Repeat each Set 3 times
                Set 1: 20 reps
                -Russian twists w/ MB
                -MB b/w legs
                -Feet to ceiling pulses w/ MB in hand
                -MB V-up~ pass overhead to feet
                Set 2: 20 reps
                -Push ups
                -Superman pulses
                -Windmill w/ hip dip
                -Plank w/ shoulder taps
    -Reverse crunches
   Set 3: 1-minute holds
   -Bridge (switch raised leg)
   -Side plank (switch sides after 30s)
   -Reverse plank

Have fun with this workout and add or take out any exercise to make this workout your own! If you need modifications, please adjust accordingly. Maybe do each of the core sets once rather than 3 times or if you want it to be harder, make the sets longer or do more of them! Be creative and spontaneous!!!

Any questions or comments - feel free to contact us :)

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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