Monday, September 3, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Re-focus your thoughts

                                                               Happy Labor Day!

We hope that many and all of you are not at work today but able to take the day off and enjoy the extra time off! We are working but we promise we are not putting in a full day today. We considered taking the day off from the blog but we felt that today you might be more inclined to read it because you have more time. So, here it is :) We hope you take it to heart and carry it with you throughout the whole week and beyond!

This past week, I lost one of my friends from high school making it the third classmate of mine to pass away. It is hard to imagine that he is not with us anymore. I struggle to wrap my thoughts around the fact that 3 people I saw every day for four years in class, at sports and outside of school have past away. It is easy to take life for granted when you are young because you think you will live for years. Sadly, this may not be true and we have to remember that life is unpredictable and follows no rules. Because there is no way of ever knowing what the future holds, we must take advantage of the present and live life to its fullest. This doesn't mean you should do the outrageous but it suggests that you should take in every moment and appreciate it for what it is and how it affects you. Don't dwell on the future and the past too much because we have no way of changing what has occurred and there is no way to know what is up ahead. A goal and a plan are important to have but try not to focus so much on what you want a year from now that you let what is happening now slip past you.

Life continues to throw curve balls at us and we have to be ready for anything. This week, try to focus on every moment as it passes rather than stress about the past or present. Appreciate your surroundings and those in your life. Maybe even say thank you or send a note to someone to express the love you have for them. Make an effort to be aware of everything that happens, imagine how your life would be different if someone around you were gone. Be grateful for their presence and share your gratitude with them.

This week, we ask you to re-focus your thoughts to the present and the task at hand. Also, show your appreciation to everyone that is a part of your life.  As you find yourself struggling with something, concentrate on that very moment, your breath and tap into the energy and strength within you. You might even try focusing on the words or actions from someone close to you. If you have experienced the loss of someone close to you, find the love you hold for them and let that help you through.

We understand this is beyond exercise but there is a connection. Many times, our bodies can do much more than our minds let us and we are so focused on the thought of what is next in our routine that we make ourselves miserable. Rather than thinking, "yikes, I still have 20 more burpees" focus your thoughts to how your body is feeling during the movement you are performing and focus on your breath at that moment. Stay in the present as much as you can!

We hope you all have a wonderful day, full of love and inspiration.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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