Friday, October 5, 2012

Get Fit For Friday!

Hi Everyone!

Thank Goodness It's Friday!!! Another week has gone by and it is time to get in some time for yourself! We hope you all have some fun activities planned for the weekend! Drew and I are off to Philly for a Dietetics/Nutrition conference. We hope to find some great #trainingopportunities there!

The Challenge of the Week is to take an exercise or activity you typically do as one of your workouts and increase the time, distance, or sets you typically do- try doubling it if you can.

Most of us have a breaking point where our minds give up or decide we are finished with whatever we might be doing. Today, we ask you to challenge yourself and push through that point where boredom or frustration may start to set in and continue doing your workout. Physically you know you can do it but mentally you just want to give up and finish. Don't let yourself!

For example, if you usually swim for 30 minutes, try swimming for at least 45 minutes but ideally 60 minutes. Or if you do 10 burpees without stopping, try doing 15 or 20! You will be surprised how much more you can do when you break down the mental barriers you have developed.

Good luck, have fun and achieve your goals!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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