Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Workout Wednesday! Challenge Accepted!

Hi Everyone!

We Want everyone to make their week count - this means no more excuses, just tough it out and get through it! Here is a workout to re-focus yourself if you got distracted this week. Concentrate and get it done and get closer to your end goals!

Today's Workout

Warm up:
       1 minute jump rope
       10 push ups
       1 minute jump rope
       10 squats
       1 minute jump rope
       10 lunges per side
Round 1: 30 second intervals
       -Squat Rows
       -Dead lifts
        -Chest Push w/ sumo squat
       -Incline push ups
       -3-legged plank (left leg lifted)
       -3-legged plank (right leg lifted) 
        -jumping jacks
Round 2: 30 second intervals
            -Lateral raise w/ side lunge
            -Shoulder press w/ squat and side leg lift
            -tricep kickbacks
            -Lunge w/ bicep curl
            -bicycle Abs
            -Pike w/ gliders
            -skater jumps
            -High knees
Round 3: 30 second intervals
             -Plank w/ row&flies alt arms
             - Woodchop w/ wt or MB
             - Mt. Climbers
             - Frontal Raise w/ alt leg lifts to the back
             - Superman
             - Alt arm/leg V-ups
             - squat jumps
             - butt kicks
Round 4: CORE!!!
            - 20 Russian twists
            - 20 Scissors (out & in)
            - 20 heel taps
            - 20 Legs out-in&up
            - 10/leg plank knee-ins (w/gliders)
Push ups: sets of 10 reps - Shoulder, raise one hand, your choice or leg lifts
Remember to modify as needed and have fun with it! If there is something you cannot do or hate, make a substitution and keep going! Push through the workout and feel the joy of accomplishing your goals!
Have a great day!
Challenge Accepted,
D & K
Photos from:

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