Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Challenge Accepted!

Hello Everyone,

We are eager to give you a fun workout for you to do today because we want you to have a great workout and feel great after you sweat a bit! We are thankful for the strength, agility and flexibility of our bodies and to show our gratitude we want to keep it strong and in shape and work hard!

Today's Workout:

Three 5-minute rounds of:
Dumbbell Push Press
Squat Jacks
Shuttle run

*Do each station for one minute and then switch as quickly as possible to the next. One minute rest between rounds

20-15-12-10 reps of:
Air squats

*20 (each leg) walking lunges in between each rep set
21-15-9 reps of:
man makers (pushup-rows)

*sprint in between each rep set 

AMRAP 6 minutes x 2
25M Bear crawl
Scissor jumps (16)
Skate jumps (16)
Push ups (10)

We hope you have fun with this workout - if you can, try to do the workout outside in the fresh air! Remember, you should always adjust intervals, reps and exercises based on your fitness level.

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Photos from:,r:0,s:0,i:91&tx=100&ty=78

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