Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weekend Warrior ~ Goodbyes don't have to be sad

Finally a break from the work week!

Over this weekend, we hope that you have a moment or two over to take a deep breath (and to meditate) in the midst of the holiday preparation and celebrations. We know many of you are very hectic this time of year rushing to get everything done but remember to take time for yourself and those you love. Maybe you take 5 minutes to call a relative or a friend you haven't spoken to or seen in a while. This time of year, we think that we have no time for anything but in reality we have the time. If we stop to think about what is more important, we realize how reaching out to someone that means something to us is the gift we should be giving.

For the two of us, this weekend is a bittersweet time because some of our dearest friends are graduating and moving away. No one enjoys saying goodbye to someone close to them but good friends support their friends and the great opportunities that come their way, even if it means letting them go. By no means does goodbye need to be the end. Some of the closest friends are thousands of miles away from one another, it may be different relationship but the friendship continues on. We challenge those of you who must say their goodbyes this weekend to stay positive and think of it as a new chapter in your relationship rather than a sad event. 

Have a great weekend! Relax, Restore and Rest!

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