Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Hello Tabatas and more


It is time for your mid-week workout challenge! Today, try our HIIT workout and see how you can get a great workout in a short amount of time. Before you start this workout, remember to modify according to your fitness level and take longer rest periods if you need it.

Workout Routine:

Warm up:
        Bob & weave
        High knees
        Skip hops
        Downhill ski hops

Main set:
Note: Tabata sets are 8 rounds of 20s on/ 10s off totaling to 4 minutes. For the tabata sets in this workout, alternate between the 2 exercises for the 8 rounds, totalling 4 rounds of each exercise.

         1. Tabata Set # 1
                      Mountain climbers
                      Squat with Medicine Ball (or dumbbell) chest push

        One-minute Superman hold

        2. Tabata Set #2 (8 rounds 20s on/10 s off)
                     Russian Twists

         One-minute plank with shoulder taps

         3. Tabata set #3
                     Push ups
                     Skater jumps

         Two-minute Bridge hold

        4. Tabata Set #4
                      Lunge jumps 
                      Flutter kicks

          One-minute bicycle crunches

Cool Down and Stretch

We would love to hear from everyone and get your feedback on our workout!

Challenge Accepted!

D & K

Photos from:

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