Friday, February 15, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Inversions

Get Fit For Friday's Challenge of the Week ~ Inversions

We spend almost 100% of our time using our lower body (and core) to hold ourselves up every day. To follow with the week's focus on switching things up, we challenge you to incorporate 3 sets of an inversion of your choice throughout today allowing your upper body to take over for a change. We know everyone is at a different fitness level and have different inversion practices. We caution everyone to take this challenge with a grain of salt and modify as needed. If you know you cannot do a freestanding handstand, please do not make today the day you try it. Work at your level and if you enjoy inversions, start to work your way up to advanced poses.

Example inversion variations: Hand stand, head stand, shoulder stand, forearm stand (any of these can be done  with feet against the wall) or L-position  against the wall.


Here are some articles for you to skim over this weekend

~Pay particular attention to the first one. It is related to this week's theme explaining the effects of switching hands and feet.

Turn the other cheek? Try using your other hand.

Need Protein? Eat "real foods" rather than powders and bars

Tips to becoming a better runner

Should you run more miles?

Get Fit For The Weekend,
D & K

Photos from:

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