Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Full Body Ab Blast!

Working on letting go can be frustrating and stressful. We wanted to help you release some of it with a full body workout that requires you to stay focused and activate your core the whole time! Have fun with it and modify as needed. If one round is enough, move on without repeating another time through.

~Today's Workout~

     Warm up:
     30 sec jump rope
     10 squats
     30 sec torso twist
     10 side lunges
     30 sec jumping jacks
     10 lunges per side

Set 1: 2 rounds of 30 second intervals
             -       Wood chop w/ wt or MB

-       Mt Climbers
-       Chest Push w/ sumo squat
-       Lateral raise w/ reverse lunge
-       3-legged plank (left leg lifted)
-       Burpees
-  3-legged plank (right leg lifted)
-       High Knees

Set 2: 2 rounds of 30 second intervals
-     Squat w/ Row & fly w/ wt
-      Shoulder press w/ squat and side leg lift
-      Plank w/ rows alt arms
-       Bridge w/ Leg lifts (both legs)
-       Pike w/ gliders
-       Skater jumps
-       Squat jacks

Set 3: Repeat 2x
-       20 Russian twists w/ MB or DB
-       20 Scissors (out & in)
-    20 alt V-ups (w/ wt)
              -       20 heel taps
-       20 3-count crunches

Get Fit For Wednesday Workouts,
D & K

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