Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Ass N Abs!

Workout Wednesday - #TrainingOpportunity

This week is about breaking mental and physical barriers. Today, we challenge you to try our workout that focuses on your lower body and core. We would like to dedicate this workout routine to our friend, Raven, who loved coming to our Ass N Abs class but moved out of town. Raven - we hope you enjoy this one!
Today's Workout
Warm up: 2 rounds of 30 seconds
        Butt Kicks
Side Lunges
Quick Feet
XC Ski
Set #1: 2 rounds of 30s per grouping
        1-Squat Jax
1-Inch worm to push up (harder if one leg)
*30s Burpees
2-Mt Climbers
2- Lunge
*30s Burpees
3-Russian Dance Kicks
3- Russian Twists w/ MB
*30 seconds burpees

Tabata set - 8 rounds (20s on/10s off & switch ex)
-Pike w/ Gliders
-100s crunch
Set #2: 2 Rounds x 30s
          Single leg squat (RT)
Single leg squat (LT)
*30 seconds lunge jumps

Tabata set -  (8 rounds of 20s on/10s)
Push ups

Set #3: Abs series (2 rounds of 30s)
        Double leg lift <90- Lying down
Double leg lift 90 degrees
Double leg lift >90 degrees
Double leg lift 180 degrees
Set #4: Table Top Series (30s/ex per side)
-Alt Knee/Arm Knee-in
        -Donkey Kick
-Side - Fire extinguisher
-Swing - side to back (st. leg)
Cool Down & Stretch!
Remember to please listen to your body and never do anything that causes pain or injury. If you can't do an exercise please modify accordingly and substitute when needed.
Get Fit For Wednesday Workouts,
D & K

Photos from:,r:47,s:0,i:298&iact=rc&dur=503&page=3&tbnh=188&tbnw=253&start=42&ndsp=32&tx=82&ty=136,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNHVAVxX_ls2eSI2l0Xa9JE-YtUpxQ&ust=1364855595815788,r:8,s:0,i:106&iact=rc&dur=678&page=1&tbnh=160&tbnw=160&start=0&ndsp=31&tx=91&ty=83

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