Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Circuit Training You Can Do Outside!

Happy Hump Day!

We are excited it is Wednesday and the work week is halfway over! We know we asked you to work on patience this week and we hope you are all hanging in there and taking deep breaths. We know how hard it can be to be patient especially if life isn't going according to plan. Maybe a workout will help you find that patience and reduce your frustration a bit. Remember that each exercise can be modified to fit your fitness level and substitutions are always encouraged if you cannot do a certain move. Today, we have a circuit repeat series you can take outdoors so you can get a great workout in while enjoying the beautiful, warm weather! Also, we want you to check out our list of 7 exercises for a total body scuplt!
Today's workout:

Warm up: jump rope or do jumping jacks for 5 minutes

Main Set: Repeat as many times as needed (we recommend 3-4x)
         10 Squat Jumps
                         10/side Mountain Climbers
            10 per leg Lunges
 60s Plank
10 V-ups
                 10/side Skater Jumps
    10 Push ups
                    10/side Bicycle Crunch

Cool Down: Stretch for 5 - 10 minutes

Enjoy this simple but tough workout!

Get Fit For Wednesday,
D & K

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