Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Intervals!

Workout Wednesday ~ Timed Intervals!

Grab your weights and jump rope for today’s strength conditioning workout routine. Be ready to work hard and try to max out each exercise!

The Workout

Warm up: 60 seconds of each of the following:

Jumping Jax
High Knees
Jump rope

Main Set: Do 60 second intervals unless otherwise indicated
Bench Press
Air Squats
Pull ups (assisted or hang)

3:00 min Jump rope

Shoulder Press

Lunges (60s/leg)
Back Rows

3:00 min Jump rope

Tricep extension
Bicep curls
Lunges (60s/side)

3:00 min Jump rope

Leg lifts
Bicycle crunch

Have fun with this workout and if 60 seconds is too long, please adjust to fit your fitness level, Remember it should be challenging but you should not sacrifice form for time.

Get Fit For It,

D & K

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