Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Full Body Intervals

It is finally Wednesday! That means it is time to kick your butt into gear and try a tough, fun workout. This week we have a full body interval workout for you to try. If it is too much for you, cut back on the intervals or take more breaks. We want everyone to be able to workout and feel challenged without thinking they are going to die or get injured. Always be safe and have fun!

Warm up: 5 minutes of cardio (jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope…)

Set # 1: 1-minute intervals - repeat 2x
1. pull ups and hanging leg raises
2. dips
3. Wall sit with wide bicep curls
4. walk hands out and in with feet on the wall
5. push up w/ kick out to side
6. step ups with shoulder press
7. Handstand hold
8. MB tricep overhead throw

Set # 2: 1-minute intervals - repeat 2x
1. push press
2. 1-arm wood chop
3. 1-arm snatch
4. sumo squat w/ chest push
5. 1-arm clean and press
6. squat and row
7. Lunge w/ curl
8. deadlift
9. push up w/ windmill
10. turkish get up

Stretch for 5-10 minutes

Get Fit For It,

D & K

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