Friday, June 1, 2012

Weekend Warrior!

Hey guys!

It's time for another summer weekend! Both of us are at our respective homes right now (D.C. and Newport), but that doesn't mean that we sacrifice our training! I can tell that I'm still working hard by how unbelievably sore my body is while I'm writing this blog.

Shout out to my sister, Kristen, who is running the San Diego Marathon on Sunday - jealous! One day I may be half as cool as her - I'm working on it.

What says 'Summer' more than bathing suits, wine, and Batman?

An interesting way to improve kids' diets:
Study finds asking kids 'What would Batman eat?' improves their food choices

Need some quick, time tested tips to tone up your bathing suit body?:
Make Sure You Are Bathing Suit Ready

Can red wine promote healthy gut microbiota?:
Influence of red wine polyphenols and ethanol on the gut microbiota ecology and biochemical markers
Enjoy the weekend!
D & K
P.S. that is actually Batman from the 60's, if you weren't aware.

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