Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Kick it into Gear!

It is Workout Wednesday!!!!!!!

Hopefully, you are ready to work hard today!!! The work week is almost half over so you might as well give it your all today and get your sweat on! Do the workout as many times as you can and add in any of your favorites that we might have left out.

Today's Workout:

SuperSet #1 (5 minute AMRAP)
1. 20 push ups
2. 20 reverse crunches 

Tabata Set#1 (8 rounds of 20s on/ 10s off)
Step ups w/ shoulder press

Superset #2 (5 minute AMRAP)
1. 20 Deadlifts
2. 10 inchworms

Tabata #2 (8 rounds of 20s on/ 10s off)
1. Burpees/mountain climbers
2. Sumo Squat

Superset #3 (5 minute AMRAP)
1. 20 Squat & Row
2. 20 lunges & lateral raise

Tabata #3 (8 rounds of 20s on/ 10s off)
1. Punches - you can use light hand weights
2. Side Kicks - alternate sides every time

Please remember to modify when needed. If you cannot do a certain exercise, add in something you can do that works similar muscles.

Once you are finished with the circuit once, try to see if you can do it another time or even more than that! Good luck and have some fun with it!!!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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