Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Workout Wednesday

Hi Everyone!

We hope you are enjoying your week so far! We have a fun workout for you to try out today or later this week! Remember to modify to your level and perform with good form at all times. Never sacrifice form - it is quality not quantity!

Today's Workout:

Warm up: 
 jump rope
bob & weave
plank w/ shoulder taps
skater jumps

Set 1: 2 rounds of each grouping
1a. 30s Mt Climbers
1b. 30s Squat Jax

2a/b. Ass Burners (Lt then Rt)

3.a/b.  Front & side kicks opp. leg  (& switch)

Set 2: 2 rounds of each
1. reverse lunge w/ Gliders (L & R)
2. Plank ab/adduction w/ gliders (leg out & in)

1.Plank-knee ins w/ gliders (L&R)
2. Crab walk w/ dips

Set 3: 2-3 rounds
1. Squat and Row and shoulder press
2. one-leg squat w/ glider (L & R)

Set 4: 3 rounds of 10 reps
10 Pike w/ gliders
10 Leg lifts
10 Legs in, out & up (reverse crunch)

            10 “Ab roller” (on knees) gliders for hands
            10 Bridge - shoulder reach 

            10 Shoulder push ups
            10 push ups with gliders (hands slide out then lower then slide in)
            10 push ups of choice

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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