Monday, December 3, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Start December off right!

Today is the first Monday of the month. It is time to think hard about what you want to accomplish this month and before the end of 2012. You have the ability to get to your goals, you just have to stick with it and move forward every day. There are tough times and with the holidays coming up, it seems all the harder but don't let it discourage you. Stay strong and stick with it as much as you can!

Today we have some motivational quotes and passages for you to read, think about and inspire you to keep pushing toward your target(s).

"To win you've got to stay in the game." Claude M. Bristol
When life knocks you down, you can focus on the pain, the hurt, and the disappointment. You can get down. You can withdraw. You can give up and consign yourself to defeat. Or you can choose to stay tough. Stay strong. And stay in the game. In moments of darkness and doubt, it's tough to go on. It's hard to hang on. But hang on you must. Hang on for all you are worth. There is life after the battles. There is life after the struggles. There is life after the troubles and struggles exact their toll. But you have to hang on to get there.  
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
Albert Einstein
After the sickness, after the bad breaks, after the difficult times, there are opportunities to get better. After the battles, after the discouragement, after the hurt and pain, there are opportunities to improve. After the loss, after the sacrifices, after the tears, there are opportunities to turn things around. There are opportunities to win.
There are opportunities to excel.
There are opportunities to succeed.

But make no mistake about it; these opportunities come with a price. A price you must pay in order to get past the hurt. You have to believe. Believe with all of your heart. Believe with all of your might. Believe deep down in your soul. Believe you can win. Believe you can excel. Believe you can succeed.
Believe you can STAY in the game.


Stay positive and remember to keep smiling because every day is a new day.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

photo from:,r:5,s:0,i:167&tx=59&ty=119&dur=203

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