Monday, December 10, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Try Meditation

Good Morning Everyone!

 We hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We had a busy weekend getting together a surprise party for our dear friend. It was a complete success and a truly wonderful time. Not only were we busy throwing a party, I also was at a meditation workshop where I learned multiple types of meditation practice. I found it very empowering and couldn't help pass along some of the inspiration I gained to you. After the workshop, I felt lighter and free of stress. I found my thoughts to be more clear and had a better understanding of them all.  

This week, we challenge you to take on a meditation practice every day. We are not asking you to take an hour out of your day, just 3 minutes or so. Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position where you can rest for the whole time without fidgeting too much. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, taking slow deep inhales and exhales. If you have a mantra, try repeating it over and over to help you from being distracted by all the thoughts racing through your mind. The first few times you attempt to practice meditation, you may feel frustrated and want to quit. It is difficult to let go of everything on our mind and be free of it all. Most of us will continue to have thoughts pop up into our heads years after we have been practicing meditation but the ability to release the thought and get back to the peaceful state we were in will become easier. Meditation isn't about focusing on nothing for a certain amount of time. There are no goals to be achieved in your practice, just relax and go with the moment at hand. Sitting still and staying calm might be harder for you than any workout or project you have ever done because many of us feel like we have to be constantly on the go checking off items on our to-do list. We hope you take the time each day this week to try and find motivation in the restorative practice of meditation. Don't fight your thoughts, accept and free them.

Good luck!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

photos from:,r:4,s:0,i:126&tx=129&ty=84

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