Friday, January 18, 2013

Get Fit For Friday #ChallengeAccepted!

It's Friday!!!! We hope you are up for a challenge today! It wouldn't be Friday if there was not a challenge. We are sure you have been thinking about what the challenge of the week will be... Now, it is finally time to find out :)

This Week's Challenge:

3 sets of plank hold with donkey kicks (switch kicking leg every 10 reps). Each set you will go 15-30 seconds past the point of discomfort.

This is going to be a different amount of time for each individual. Test your limits by continuing to perform the exercise until you have to come down. Give yourself a minute of rest between sets and see if you can hold the other sets for as long or longer.

In this challenge, we hope to push you past the point where it becomes VERY challenging. Think back to #MotivationMonday of this week and breathe through the discomfort calling upon your mental strategy or mantra to get you past the desire to quit. Your mind is often the first thing to quit, don't let your body surrender. Instead, challenge yourself to continue through for at least 20 more seconds. You not only have to train your body to work hard and perform but you must train your mind and make it stronger. The mind-body connection is much stronger than we think.

Get Fit For A Strong Mind!

D & K

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