Monday, January 28, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Things aren't always what they seem

Happy Monday!

We hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend and is ready to take on this week! Today, we want to remind everyone that throughout life items will get lost or stolen. At first, we are thrown back and do not know how to move forward but eventually we have to let go. We must remember there is something we can learn from the situation and we recognize the truly important things in life.

Recently, we have discussed the topic of losing items with significant meaning in one's life. Think of something as simple as a winter jacket you might have been given in middle school . To the rest of the world it looks like it is just an old, raggedy jacket that should be retired but it means much more to the person wearing it. Sometimes we take for granted the items we own and love. We forget how much they mean to us. Something can represent so many memories in our past, such as sledding with friends and family, partying with friends, igloo building and camping that we will hold on to forever. It may get to the point where we don't wear the jacket anymore because we are embarrassed by its old, worn-in, out-of-date appearance. Yet, it isn't until it is gone, that we understand why we are so sad to have lost it realizing its true value. We had placed it into the "I don't care what happens to it" category when in actuality, it meant the world to us. It became a security blanket we were holding onto for comfort. Maybe for you, it is not a jacket but we ask you to think about an item or more that you might be using as a crutch. Crutches serve a valuable purpose in the healing process but there comes a time when the doctor or trainer tells you that you do not need them anymore. You must lose the crutches to strengthen and grow not only when we talk about injuries but in all aspects of life. If we don't let go of our own security blankets, life finds a way to assist in the process. Losing items that are dear to us serve as reminders of our duty as human beings to strive for progress. Sometime we need an external nudge to recognize how strong we are and help us move on.

When you find you are not challenging yourself to make the most of your life at the moment, look to see what crutches you might be holding onto unnecessarily.

We challenge you to think about your own crutches or security blankets and write them down. Take the week to think about what you can let go and how you can grow and what new opportunities you should take. Pick one at a time and see if you can minimize the support from the item.

Get Fit For Strength,
D & K

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