Friday, May 18, 2012

Get Fit For It Friday ~ Are You Fit For Today's Challenge?

Hi Everyone,

We hope that you enjoyed the recipes we provided yesterday! Maybe you can make one or both of them over the weekend if you have some time.

Today is National Bike To Work Day! Hopefully some of you got out your bikes and took the opportunity to bike to work today! It is the perfect motivation to get yourself into the routine of biking more regularly! We want to congratulate everyone who participated!  Try to make it a weekly (or daily) routine. Anyone have a great story about their bike ride to work? If so, please share it with us - we love to hear about the amazing things that others do. Is there anyone who had over 50 miles to get to work?

Are you amazed at how quickly people performing martial arts can move their feet and bodies? One way to help increase your quickness is to jump rope. We found it easy to jump rope as a kid but have you tried recently? It isn't as easy as we remember it but the only way to make is become easier is to practice.

Today, we challenge you to incorporate jump roping interval(s) into your day. Pick a time interval and a number of sets you would like to try and complete for the day and start jumping! You can do one long set or a few shorter sets or just jump sporadically throughout the day. If you can, try to get outside to enjoy the fresh air!
If you are really new to it, try for 30-60 seconds. Pretend you have a jump rope and follow through with the motions if you don't feel comfortable jumping with a rope yet. If you are more experienced try for at least 3-minute intervals or even work your way up to 5 or 10 minutes at a time. Strive for at least 3-5 sets to really get yourself going. 

As we always remind you, make it a challenge for yourself but don't go so far that you hurt yourself. And have fun with it!!!!!!

Challenge Accepted
D & K

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