Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Get Fit For It!

Hi Everyone!

We are almost halfway through the work week! It is time to challenge yourself - If you have been taking it easy, here is your chance to step it up.

There are many options you have with this workout. If you are feeling really good and energized, try to do the whole thing. If you need to modify cut out parts of it or shorten the interval times. Remember to listen to your body as you workout. This is more important than following the workout exactly.

Part I:
Erg intervals or jump rope if you do now access to an Erg machine. If you don't have a jump rope either, you run or do anything that will get you moving - remember not to take it easy during the intervals, you want to push through them. If you don't want to do burpees, just do a push up or hold plank for a certain amount of time. (Also remember you can do less reps of each exercise and less meters rowing)

Row intervals
250m row (or jump rope for 2 min)
10 squats
10 lunges
10 burpees
500m row (or jump rope for 3 min)
15 squats
15 lunges
15 burpees
750m row (or jump rope for 4 min)
20 squats
20 lunges
20 burpees
1000m row (or jump rope for 5 min)
25 squats
25 lunges
25 burpees

Part II:
Timed interval circuit moving straight from one to the next without any rest. If you need to change the time or add in some rest, do so. You can turn all of these rounds into tabata set so you have 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest between sets rather than 30 seconds on without rest.

3 Rounds : 30 second intervals for each exercise
push ups
plank - shoulder taps
flutter kicks

2 Rounds: 20 seconds on/ 10 seconds off
Tuck Jumps
Wall Sit
One Legged Squats (do each leg for the full interval)
mountain climbers

2 Rounds : 30 seconds per exercise:
Russian twists
one leg-arm v ups
starfish crunch
reverse crunch
Leg raises
heel taps
out-in scissor
hands over head/feet to ceiling crunch
Legs knee ins

Hope you have some fun with it! If you have any questions or comments - We would love to hear from you!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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