Friday, August 24, 2012

Get Fit For Friday's Challenge!

               Hi Everyone!

Today is Friday :) The weekend is just about here and we hope you all have time to fit in our challenge before you get too caught up in the weekend festivities.

This week's Challenge:

First, a question - How good is your balance???

The challenge today involves balance work to strengthen the stabilizer muscles that help us keep our balance. We all know too well how important our balance is and it is something we forget to work on often.

Today, set aside 10 to 30 minutes and work on your balance. This can mean walking along a painted line, walking across a curb, a log or even a slackline. Depending on your balance abilities choose what is right for you. Maybe you want to try standing on one leg or doing one-leg squats. Yoga is another great option! Even if you don't take a class today, try some of the balance poses like eagle, warrior III, tree, and half moon. Try not to get frustrated if you wobble or fall, just get right back to it and keep working on it. The more you stick with it and keep trying, the stronger you will become and the more you will improve!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

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