Monday, August 6, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Be alive for You!

Happy Monday Everyone!

We are sending you all happy thoughts to start off their week!!!!! Hopefully, everyone had a very nice weekend and were able to relax a bit while getting in some fun activities! Drew and I played a new type of pool volleyball with some of our friends but sadly I don't think it will make the cut for the next Olympics. It was fun, nonetheless!

This week's Motivational Monday is dedicated to someone who is very close to me and is in need of some inspiration and love. In their honor, I ask you to think about someone close to you that may need a hug or some attention this week and make the effort to talk or see them. Try to find time for those that mean something to you and who look to you for positivity, energy and strength!

Today, think about doing something special for yourself, not because you are selfish but because you are amazing and you deserve something nice just like everyone else! Instead of stressing about how much you have to do to make sure that everyone around you is taken care of, take the time for yourself and make sure you do everything you need to do to remain sane and healthy. Many times, we get caught up in how we can assist others by running errands, rearranging our schedules, staying up late, waking up earlier than planned or doing something we may not enjoy. Compromise occurs daily and is necessary in every relationship but sometimes it can go too far and you lose who you are, your worth and your respect. If you have fallen into this trap before or are in it right now, take this week to find yourself again and get back your life. This doesn't mean you don't compromise or help others but it does mean that you make your needs more of a priority than you have been doing. It is amazing how much more relaxed and less stressed you will feel once you let yourself take some time for you! Remember, the only person who will be with you your whole life is yourself, so live for you!

And finally, I ask you to think about yourself and your current life. Think only about what makes you, you and what you, personally, have been doing on a daily basis. Write down your accomplishments, goals, activities, thoughts, feelings and what you are doing to better yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. Don't forget to include all of the wonderful things about you that you love and wouldn't change for the world! Focusing on the positive and the great things that you bring into this world everyday can help you realize you are amazing and deserve to be treated well just like everyone you make an effort to help. The most important task is to love yourself and value who you are no matter what you think others are thinking! 

We hope you are inspired to take the time for yourself and respect who you are focusing on doing things for yourself this week that will make you more healthy! Push yourself because you want to be fit and accomplish your goals!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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