Monday, October 22, 2012

Motivational Monday

Good Morning Everyone!

We hope you had a great weekend! Congrats to everyone who completed an event! Take today to recover and plan your workouts for the week. Remember stretching and foam rolling are both as important as the training and nutrition! Take the time to recover, rest and heal your body.

Today, we want to help you get through the frustrating times in your life where you feel overwhelmed with work, "to-do's" and life itself. Do you have a stressful week ahead or is there a big decision you must make soon? You are not the only one that is struggling with big life decisions, changes or stresses. Keep in mind that life will always have it's ups and downs but it is how we push through the downs and appreciate the ups that makes all the difference!

Drew found this fun article over the weekend that we want to share with you. We hope you enjoy it!

Instead of stressing over all that you have to do, make a list of all that needs to get done and prioritize it. Then, start with the first item on the list and just try to accomplish one at a time and not worry about the rest until the first is complete. Take a break to keep your mind clear and alert - go for a walk, workout, meditate ... whatever helps you regain your sanity!!! Keep up some of your routine, because something is better than nothing!

Take a deep, calm inhale and now, exhale slowly.
Challenge Accepted!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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