Monday, November 26, 2012

Motivation Monday ~ We are back :)

Good Morning Everyone,

We are adjusting back to our normal life routines after being away all last week visiting family. Many of you are probably experiencing the same thing - don't worry, you are not alone! We had a lovely holiday enjoying lots of great company and delicious food. With all of the festivities, we found some time to fit in a few workouts but it was nothing like our regular sessions. We imagine many of you are in the same boat and feel a bit bloated after the holiday. We encourage everyone to do something physically challenging today. It doesn't have to be extremely intense or difficult but at least do something to get the ball rolling again. Falling out of routine can make it hard for us to get back into our routine, but don't let that happen to you this year! Make yourself do something and you will be grateful you did! With more holidays to come, it is important to stay on top of our good fitness, eating and sleeping habits.

Finding the motivation may  be easy for some of us after the holidays but others struggle. We ask everyone to take a moment and think about something they said they were grateful for over the holiday. Now, think about someone you said you were grateful for and devote your workouts and drive to that person and the many things you appreciate in your life. Do something for them if you find yourself unable to do it for yourself. Set a schedule for yourself this week and make sure you complete everything on your schedule keeping in mind the person you are grateful for the whole time.

Over the holidays, I know I was particularly grateful for my sister and stepbrother who ran the thanksgiving run with me. The three of us warmed up together and were right next to one another in the beginning as we shuffled through the crowd of runners. We started strong and finished even stronger. Even though we were all at different running levels we supported and encouraged one another and finished our fun run of the day much faster than expected! We all would have finished if we had done it alone but it wouldn't have been nearly as fun or as fast. I can't thank them enough for making it so much fun I didn't even know I was running! And people think fitness, family and holidays don't mix - We think otherwise!!!

Get Fit For It,
D & K
photo sources:

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