Monday, March 25, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ We are back :)

After a week of rest and restoration, it is strange coming back to reality and getting back into the swing of life. It is rare that we take a week off from everything and allow our minds and bodies to decompress. In fitness, we mention the importance of rest days for our muscles to repair the damage we have created from our workouts. The body can only grow stronger if it has the time to heal and rebuild itself. Many of us don't even take the appropriate rest time for our bodies to recover before we ask them to work hard again. Taking time for our mind and spirit is as important - Can you think of the last time you took a day for your mental health and did nothing? Try to recall the last time you spent the day rejuvenating the mind and body where you didn't set an alarm in the morning, you didn't have a to-do list, and you didn't have anything planned? We get sucked into this crazy world we have created where we feel so much pressure we can't take 10 minutes to sit down and breathe during our day. Why have we let ourselves fall into this chaotic lifestyle? How do we get out? Our mind and spirit need rest days just like our body does.

We ask you to take some time each day this week to rest your mind and body. Try not to worry about getting everything done. Allow yourself some time for you. Giving yourself the time to recover from being on overdrive for so long will help you become more efficient during the rest of your day. Maybe you even take a day off work and let yourself relax for the whole day. Stress builds and builds and we must find a way to rest and release the stress so it doesn't stay with us forever. This may be one of the most challenging things we have asked you to do, but it is worth the investment! This is particularly important for those struggling with racing thoughts and challenging decisions to make. With some rest, your mind can clear itself of all the clutter that has built up and you may find the answer you have been looking for right in front of you!

Good luck!

Get Fit For Mondays,
D & K

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